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Best State to Get a Fake ID in 2024

Choosing the right state for a fake ID is a big deal, especially if you live in a place like New York.

You might be wondering, “Should I pick a state that’s close by, or would a state farther away be better?”

That’s a smart question to ask…

Some states have lower security features, making their IDs easier to fake. But you also have to think about where you’re most likely to use it.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through everything you need to know about picking the best state for a fake ID. Moreover, I’ll show you to some top fake ID providers who can help you get the job done right.

Let’s dive in.

Why Choosing the Right State Matters?

When getting a fake ID, choosing the right state isn’t just about picking a design you like. The state you choose can significantly impact how effective your ID will be.

Different states have varying levels of security features, and some are easier to fake than others. For instance, states with simpler designs and fewer security layers are often favored by fake ID makers because they’re easier to replicate convincingly.

However, there’s more to consider. If you pick a state that’s too close to where you live, like Pennsylvania or Connecticut, it might raise red flags.

People in your area are more familiar with the IDs from nearby states, which means they’re more likely to spot inconsistencies. On the other hand, picking a state that’s too far away, like Texas, might also draw unwanted attention because it seems out of place. That’s why it’s essential to strike a balance when choosing the state for your fake ID.

Connecticut: A Popular but Risky Choice

Connecticut IDs are a popular choice because of their relatively straightforward design. The state uses basic holograms and UV elements, which makes it easier for fake ID producers to replicate them.

But here’s the catch…

Connecticut is just next door to New York. If you’re living in New York, using a Connecticut ID might be risky because people around you are more familiar with how Connecticut IDs should look.

fake id reddit

Bouncers and bartenders in NY might scrutinize these IDs more closely, making it easier for them to spot a fake.

However, if you’re set on choosing Connecticut, make sure you get your ID from a reputable source. I’ve heard good things about and, which are known for producing high-quality fakes that pass inspection more often than not.

Ohio: A Good Middle Ground

Ohio’s IDs are known for being relatively easy to replicate while still looking legitimate. The state ID features basic security elements, like simple holograms and UV overlays, but nothing too complicated. This makes Ohio a solid choice if you’re looking for a balance between believability and ease of replication.

Ohio is close enough to New York that it wouldn’t seem suspicious, but not so close that everyone around you knows what an Ohio ID should look like.

This makes it a safer bet than Connecticut or Pennsylvania. Plus, Ohio has a large population, so Ohio IDs are more common, reducing the chances of someone noticing something off.

Illinois: High-Quality Fakes with a Higher Risk

Illinois IDs are another popular choice, especially because the design is well-documented, making it easier for counterfeiters to produce high-quality fakes.

However, Illinois has strict laws against using fake IDs, and penalties can be severe if you get caught. This is something to seriously consider if you’re thinking about choosing an Illinois ID.

Moreover, Illinois is far enough from New York that it might not raise immediate suspicion. People in NY are less familiar with how Illinois IDs should look, which could work in your favor.

But remember, the risk of legal trouble is higher with an Illinois ID, so choose your options carefully.

Pennsylvania: Close and Common

Pennsylvania IDs are pretty straightforward, which makes them easier to replicate. But because Pennsylvania is close to New York, it’s similar to Connecticut in terms of risk.

People in your area are more likely to know what a Pennsylvania ID should look like, so it might get scrutinized more closely.

However, if you decide to go with Pennsylvania, you’ll want to ensure that your ID is top-notch.

Again, reputable providers like and can help you get an ID that looks authentic and passes most checks.

Texas: A Risky but Less Familiar Option

Texas IDs are more complex than those from states like Ohio or Connecticut, with more advanced security features.

This makes them harder to replicate, but it also means that a well-made Texas fake ID can be quite convincing. The downside is that Texas is far from New York, so using a Texas ID might seem out of place and could attract more attention.

However, because people in New York are less familiar with Texas IDs, they might not be able to spot inconsistencies as easily.

If you decide to go with a Texas ID, make sure it’s high quality. and have good reputations for producing convincing Texas IDs that can pass most inspections.

Closer vs. Farther: Which is Better?

When deciding whether to get a fake ID from a nearby state like Pennsylvania, Ohio, or Connecticut, versus a distant state like Texas or Illinois, there are pros and cons to each. Let’s break them down:

Advantages of Nearby States (PA, Ohio, CT)

  • Less Scrutiny at Local Venues: If you pick a state close to New York, like Pennsylvania or Connecticut, your ID might attract less attention because the design is familiar to people in your area. Bouncers and bartenders are used to seeing these IDs, so they’re less likely to inspect them as closely.
  • Easier to Maintain a Consistent Story: If questioned, it’s easier to explain why you have an ID from a nearby state. For example, claiming that you recently moved from Pennsylvania to New York is a plausible story. This makes it easier to avoid suspicion.

Advantages of Distant States (Texas, Illinois)

  • Less Likelihood of Running into Someone Familiar with the State’s Specific Features: With a Texas or Illinois ID, you’re less likely to encounter someone who knows the fine details of what a real ID from that state looks like. This can reduce the chance of getting caught with a fake.
  • More Believable for Frequent Travelers or with a Good Backstory: If you frequently travel or have a strong backstory (like being a student from Texas or Illinois), a distant state ID can be more believable. This adds an extra layer of protection if someone questions you.

Best Fake ID Providers in 2024

Choosing a reputable provider is crucial to getting a high-quality fake ID. Here’s a look at two of the top providers in the industry: is one of the most well-known fake ID providers online. They have a solid reputation for producing high-quality IDs that pass most security checks.

There are expert in creating professional fake id, ensure that the IDs they produce closely mimic real ones. They use advanced technology to replicate holograms, UV light features, and other security elements. offers a range of features, including scannable barcodes and magnetic stripes that work with most systems. Customer reviews often highlight the realism of the IDs and the excellent customer service provided. is another leading fake ID provider, recognized for its wide selection of state IDs and high-quality production.

If you need quick delivery of fake id then should be in your list. The IDs they make are known for their durability and accuracy, with features that closely match the real thing.

idgod reddit

Compared to other providers, is often noted for its competitive pricing and consistent quality. Users frequently mention that their IDs pass both visual inspections and scans without issues.

How to Make Right Decision

After considering the options, here’s how to make the best choice for your fake ID:

Checklist for Choosing the Right State

  • Consider Your Location: Think about how familiar people in your area are with IDs from the state you’re considering.
  • Weigh the Risk of Scrutiny: Choose a state that won’t raise too much suspicion, whether that’s because it’s close by or because it’s far enough away that people won’t know what to look for.
  • Evaluate the Quality Needed: Some states require more intricate IDs with advanced features. Make sure your chosen provider can deliver the quality you need.
  • Best States for Local Use: If you’re staying in New York, Ohio might be the safest bet. It’s close enough to be believable but not too familiar.
  • Best States for Travel or Higher Quality: Texas or Illinois could be good choices if you have a strong backstory or travel often. These states are far enough from New York to avoid close scrutiny, but still commonly recognized.

In the end, make sure you’re purchasing your ID from a reputable provider like or This can make all the difference in whether your ID passes inspection or not. Just remember, using a fake ID comes with significant risks, so consider these factors carefully before making your decision.

For more insights, you can also check out the Reddit discussion where people share their thoughts on the best states for fake IDs.


When it comes to choosing the best state for your fake ID, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Ohio and Illinois are solid choices if you want a balance between ease of replication and believability.

Connecticut and Pennsylvania are more convenient but riskier due to their proximity to New York. Texas offers a less familiar option but comes with its own set of challenges.

No matter which state you choose, make sure you get your ID from a reputable source. Providers like and are known for their high-quality fakes, which can make all the difference in whether your ID passes inspection or not.

Just remember, using a fake ID comes with risks, so weigh your options carefully before making a decision.

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