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Best Fake ID States

7 Best Fake ID States List 2024

Getting a fake ID is a rite of passage for many young people looking to gain access to places and experiences reserved for adults.

But… you should be careful.

But not all fake IDs are created equal.

Some states are known for producing IDs that are hard to spot as fake, making them popular choices.

In this article, we’ll explore the seven best states for fake IDs, providing you with the latest information and tips to stay safe and smart.

Let’s dive in.

Top 7 Best States to Get A Fake ID

Here are list of top seven best fake id states you can count on:

1. California

California is the best state for fake id even you want you enjoy life when you don’t have the real id.

Why It’s Popular: California IDs are highly sought after due to their complex design and advanced security features. The state’s high population also means there’s a wide range of templates available, making it easier to create a convincing fake.

Additionally, California is a state with a lot of tourists and a diverse population, which can make it easier for a fake ID to blend in without raising suspicion.

Key Features:

  • Holograms and UV features: These are intricate and detailed, making them difficult to replicate accurately. A good fake needs to capture these details.
  • Real ID star: This feature is becoming increasingly common and signifies compliance with federal security standards.
  • Detailed microprinting: Tiny text that is nearly impossible to reproduce without professional equipment.

Tip: Ensure your fake ID has all the necessary security features to avoid detection. Pay extra attention to the holograms and UV features, as these are often the first things checked by bouncers and bartenders.

2. Texas

Texas is considered one of the best state to use for a fake ID users.

Why It’s Popular: Texas IDs are another top choice because of their simple yet effective design. The Lone Star State’s ID cards are known for their durability and realistic look. Texas also has a large number of young people, increasing the chances that a fake ID will go unnoticed in the crowd.

Key Features:

  • Star and state outline hologram: This is a unique feature that is relatively difficult to replicate but essential for a convincing fake.
  • Ghost image: A smaller, secondary image of the ID holder that adds an extra layer of security.
  • Enhanced lamination: The thick, durable laminate on Texas IDs makes them feel authentic.

Tip: Make sure the ghost image and hologram are well-placed and clear. The laminate should also be of high quality to avoid easy detection.

Also Read: Fake Id Vs Real ID – Learn The Differences

3. Florida

Florida is often seen as the best state to get a fake ID from.

Why It’s Popular: Florida’s large number of tourists makes its IDs less scrutinized in many places. The colorful design and unique features also make it a popular choice. Florida is known for its nightlife and tourist attractions, which means IDs from this state might be subject to less rigorous checks.

Key Features:

  • Holographic state seal: A prominent security feature that is hard to fake but essential for authenticity.
  • Multiple UV elements: Under UV light, several hidden elements become visible, providing an extra layer of security.
  • Color shifting ink: Ink that changes color when viewed from different angles.

Tip: Focus on the color and UV features to ensure your ID passes casual inspection. These elements are often checked under UV light, so they must be accurate.

4. New York

NY is the best states to use for a fake id because of many bars and casino.

Why It’s Popular: New York IDs are in demand due to the state’s strict security measures. A well-made New York fake ID can be very convincing and hard to detect. New York’s diverse population and bustling nightlife also contribute to the popularity of its IDs.

Key Features:

  • Holographic map of New York: A distinctive feature that helps verify the ID’s authenticity.
  • Laser-engraved signature: This high-tech feature is difficult to replicate accurately.
  • Multi-color background: The background contains several colors and patterns that add complexity to the ID.

Tip: Pay attention to the holographic map and the quality of the laser engraving. These details are often closely inspected.

5. Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is best state to get a fake id when you want to enjoy the nightlife.

Why It’s Popular: Pennsylvania’s IDs have become favorites because of their detailed design and robust security features. The state’s rigorous production standards make it a reliable choice for a fake. Pennsylvania IDs are known for their durability and the attention to detail in their design.

Key Features:

  • Keystone hologram: A small, detailed hologram that is unique to Pennsylvania.
  • UV-sensitive state outline: Under UV light, the state outline becomes visible.
  • Microprinting: Tiny text that is hard to see without magnification, adding an extra layer of security.

Tip: Ensure the keystone hologram is accurately replicated and the microprinting is clear. These features are often checked closely.

6. Illinois

Illinois is easiest fake id state that you can consider if you’re looking to use a fake id.

Why It’s Popular: Illinois IDs are known for their balance of simplicity and security. They are relatively easy to replicate compared to other states, making them a popular choice. Illinois has a mix of urban and rural areas, which can affect how closely IDs are inspected.

Key Features:

  • Holographic overlay: A layer that adds complexity and makes the ID more secure.
  • Ghost image: A secondary image that adds an extra layer of verification.
  • Laser-perforated pattern: Tiny holes that form a pattern visible when held up to the light.

Tip: Focus on the ghost image and holographic overlay for a convincing fake ID. The laser-perforated pattern should also be accurately replicated.

7. Georgia

Why It’s Popular: Georgia’s fake IDs are gaining popularity due to their straightforward design and the state’s moderate scrutiny levels. The ID cards’ features are easy to replicate with the right tools. Georgia is known for its vibrant college towns, which increases the demand for fake IDs.

Key Features:

  • State seal hologram: A holographic seal that is unique to Georgia.
  • UV state flag: The state flag appears under UV light, adding an extra layer of security.
  • Microprinting: Small text that adds complexity and authenticity to the ID.

Tip: Make sure the state seal hologram and UV features are properly replicated. These are often checked under UV light.

How to Choose the Best State for Your Fake ID

Choosing the best state for your fake ID involves considering a few key factors:

  • Security Features: More complex security features mean a more convincing ID. States with detailed holograms, UV elements, and microprinting are generally better choices. California and New York, for example, have very detailed security features that make their IDs harder to replicate but more convincing when done correctly.
  • Scrutiny Levels: Consider how closely IDs are checked in the places you’ll be using them. Tourist-heavy states like Florida might have less scrutiny compared to others. In contrast, states with fewer tourists and stricter laws might have more rigorous checks.
  • Availability: The more templates available for a state’s ID, the easier it will be to find a convincing fake. High-population states like California and Texas offer a wider range of options. This variety makes it easier to find an ID that matches your appearance and details.
  • Quality of Replication: Ensure that the fake ID manufacturer you choose is known for high-quality replication of the chosen state’s security features. Check reviews and recommendations to find a reliable source.

Tips for Using a Fake ID

Using a fake ID comes with risks, so it’s important to be smart and cautious.

Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Know Your Information: Memorize all the details on your fake ID, including the address and date of birth. Inconsistent information can raise suspicion. Practice answering questions confidently and without hesitation.
  • Confidence is Key: Act naturally and confidently when presenting your fake ID. Nervousness can be a red flag for bouncers and bartenders. Make eye contact and don’t fidget or avoid questions.
  • Avoid High-Risk Areas: Some places are known for strict ID checks. Avoid using your fake ID in these areas to reduce the risk of getting caught. High-end clubs and bars in major cities are often more stringent.
  • Be Prepared for Questions: Be ready to answer questions about your ID or the information on it. Having a backstory can help you stay calm and convincing. Know details like your zodiac sign based on your fake birthdate, the address on your ID, and other small details.
  • Use Technology: Some fake IDs come with scannable barcodes or magnetic stripes. Ensure your ID has these features if you’ll be using it in places with advanced scanning technology. This makes your ID look more authentic and can help it pass automated checks.

Legal Consequences

It’s important to remember that using a fake ID is illegal and can lead to serious consequences and also need to know which fake id states to avoid. These can include:

  • Fines: Financial penalties can be significant and vary by state and severity of the offense.
  • Community service: Some jurisdictions may require you to complete community service hours as part of your punishment.
  • Probation: Being on probation can restrict your activities and require regular check-ins with a probation officer.
  • Criminal record: Having a criminal record can impact your future opportunities, including jobs and education.

Always weigh the risks before deciding to use a fake ID. The potential legal repercussions can have long-lasting effects on your life. It’s important to consider whether the short-term benefits are worth the long-term consequences.


While the allure of gaining access to adult-only venues and activities can be strong, it’s crucial to approach the use of a fake ID with caution. Choosing the right state for your fake ID, ensuring high-quality replication, and using it wisely can help reduce the risks. However, always remember the potential legal consequences and make informed decisions.

If you’re considering getting a fake ID, research thoroughly, use reputable sources, and stay safe. Remember, being patient and waiting until you’re of legal age is always the safest and most responsible choice. Always go the reputed fake id provider like or TopFakeIDs, as they are serving their client from 1994.

By understanding the features and popularity of IDs from different states, you can make a more informed decision. Stay safe, be smart, and always consider the potential consequences of your actions.